
CHAR is a text function in Excel. Use it to convert a valid character code to character. It can be used for any number between 1 to 255. For the numbers less than 1 or  more than 255 you will get #VALUE! error




  1. CHAR Excel function, if used with valid character code returns the character
  2. With CHAR Excel function, if you use a number less than 1 or greater than 255 you will get #VALUE! Error
  3. For multi line text in a cell, you may use CHAR(10) instead of “Alt + Enter”


By Rajesh K Saraogi

Rajesh is a hardcore finance person with a penchant for latest technology. His passions are latest technology and to improve the productivity with simple, yet powerful software – mainly on Microsoft Excel platform. He is a qualified MCA. Whenever he gets time he loves to blog, to share the knowledge, which is the only thing which increases after sharing!